Luoghi - Transiti - MemoriaPlaces - Transits - Memory

La fotografia è materia fatta di indizi, evocazioni, e simboli. E’ materia apparentemente inafferrabile, e in epoca di immagini digitali, lo è diventata sempre di più. Per questo e per comprendere meglio ciò che mi circonda, lo stimolo maggiore è il partecipare, nel senso di essere partecipe di luoghi e di eventi, creando un legame con i soggetti. Ma partecipare è anche fare partecipe altri della narrazione di piccole storie o della grande Storia, che hanno pari dignità di racconto per essere comprese e non solo consumate nella bulimia delle immagini contemporanee.
Photography is matter made up of signs, evocations and symbols. Apparently it is an elusive matter and, in an age of digital images, it has become more and more so. For this reason and to understand better what surrounds me, the greatest incentive is to participate, in the sense of being part of places and events, creating a link with the subjects. But to participate is also to make others to take part in the narration of small stories or of the great history, which have equal dignity of being told, un order to be understood and not only consumed in the contemporary image bulimia.
9 October 2020


I explored places as in a stage, where the architectural structures, the urban pattern and people meet and interact. As in a brick building game, I wanted to break down and visually reassemble the elements in order to redefine their characteristics and find new suggestions, believing that “the space is uncertain: I have to identify […]

9 October 2020


Transit is not only the passage from one place to another, but it is also a time when there is no other purpose than arriving at the destination. Time and space cancel each other out and the gaze rests on a humanity waiting for leaving and arriving … They are fractions of life in transit.

9 October 2020


Both individual and collective history is deposited where the events took place, inside the pages of time. By assimilation places contain the history of which they were the stage and Europe in the 20th century was theatre of fatal and terrible events, in which Berlin played a central role. A role that such town has […]